Contact Freedom Homes
We're ready to answer your questions and help you start your home-building journey. Contact us today or visit our office in Midland, Michigan.​​
479 W. Isabella Road
Midland, MI 48640​​
Phone Numbers
Phone: 989-486-9699
Fax: 989-486-9690
Office Hours
Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Weekends & Evenings by Appointment
Freedom Homes is located on M-20 between Midland and Mt. Pleasant.
From Midland: Head west on M-20 for approximately 7 miles. We are on the south side of the road (your left).
From Mt. Plesant: Head east on M-20 for approximately 16 miles. We are on the south side of the road (your right).
From Points North and South: The easiest route is to find US-27 and take it to M-20. Then proceed east for about 16 miles.
From Points East: Take I-75 to US-10 West. Take US-10 West to Business 20 and follow it until it turns into M-20. Then proceed 7 miles.
From Points West: The most direct route is to take M-20 east. However, due to curves, it may be faster to take M-46 (south) or US-10 (north) east to US-27, then take US-27 to M-20 and proceed 16 miles east.